Each water conservation district within the education cooperative sponsors an art contest for fourth and fifth grade students.
Winning artwork is featured in a calendar published by each district and offered free to the public.

The first place winner in each district receives a $50 cash prize, a certificate of recognition, and has his or her artwork
featured on the cover of the calendar.  Twelve second place winners each receive a $25 cash prize, a certificate of
recognition, and have their artwork featured on one month inside the calendar.

Students may draw, paint or use any other medium to depict water conservation.


Contests in Sandy Land UWCD and
South Plains UWCD begin in March.

Contests in Llano Estacado UWCD
begin in late September.

Which water conservation district do you and your school belong to? 
Look for your school below.

Sandy Land UWCD:
Denver City & Plains

South Plains UWCD:

Brownfield, Meadow & Wellman-Union

Llano Estacado UWCD:

Loop, Seagraves & Seminole

South Plains Sandy Land
Llano Estacado                      

South Plains  Sandy Land  Llano Estacado  

Sandy Land Winners

South Plains Winners

Llano Estacado Winners



The education program provides school districts with information on water conservation curriculum such as Major Rivers for fourth and fifth graders.  Other instructional resources can be provided upon request, including lesson planning support, reference materials, and library resources. 

Public Presentations
The education coordinator works closely with libraries, civic organizations and public entities to spread the importance of water conservation in the Ogallala Aquifer.

The goal is to reach larger, more diverse audiences - within and outside the region - by having a website designed to promote water use awareness; having a broader social media presence through tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and a blog helps promote water conservation practices.

Each year, the three participating water district conduct an essay contest for graduating seniors.  Seniors are asked to research a current water related topic and write a formal paper expressing their views.  A first and second place winner from each of the eight high schools are awarded with scholarship amounts of as much as $2,000! 

2016 Scholarship Winners

Brownfield Winners

Meadow Winners

Plains Winners
Seagraves Winners
Wellman Union Winners

Seminole Winners
Not Pictured: Loop and Denver City Scholarship Winners






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